
 f.  Z der Schwere


[1] heaviness, weightiness, power, strength, severity;
[2] gravity, attractive force which causes all bodies to move toward the center of the earth;
[3] difficulty, something that is difficult, hardness


Substantiv, f



   Schwere 例句 来自 Tatoeba
  1. Wenn du diesen Artikel liest, wirst du die Schwere des Unfalls verstehen.
    You have only to read this article to see how serious the accident was.
  2. Schwere Arbeit bin ich nicht gewohnt.
    I am not used to hard work.
  3. Trotz der Schwere seiner Krankheit ist Herr Robinson in guter Stimmung.
    Despite the seriousness of his illness, Mr Robinson is in good spirits.
  4. Schwere Turbulenzen während des Fluges und eine schlechte Passagierbetreuung verschafften uns keinen erfreulichen Start in den Urlaub.
    Severe turbulence during the flight and very poor cabin service didn't make for an enjoyable start to our holiday.


Kasus Singular Plural
Nominativ die Schwere -
Genitiv der Schwere -
Dativ der Schwere -
Akkusativ die Schwere -
单数 复数