[1] nice;act with directions;follow the usual rules and regulations;toe the line 适合常规和习俗
例 与镇上循规蹈矩的人合不来
[2] 也用于形容拘守成规,不敢有所变动
例 皆因看的你们是三四代的老妈妈,最是循规蹈矩。——《红楼梦》 循环 xúnhuáncirculate;circle 以环形、回路或轨道运行;沿曲折的路线运行;特指运行一周而回到原处 循序 xúnxùin proper order or sequence 顺着次序;依序遵行 循序渐进 xúnxù-jiànjìnfollow in order and advance step by step;advance gradually in due order;follow in proper sequence and make steady progress 按一定的顺序、步骤逐渐进步 例 但知下学而自然上达,此但自言其反己自修,循序渐进耳。——宋·朱熹《四书集注》 循循善诱 xúnxún-shànyòube good at giving systematic guidance;lead the students skillfully by orderly method;teach with skill and patience 善于有步骤地辅导他人学习 例 循循善诱,服膺儒行。——南朝梁·刘孝标《辨命论》