常用词组搔背扒子 sāobèi páziback scratcher 形状像手,装在杆的一端,用来搔自己的背的一种用具 搔耳捶胸 sāo'ěr-chuíxiōngscratch one's ear and beat one's breast 搔耳朵,捶胸膛。形容后悔、烦恼的样子 搔首踟蹰 sāoshǒu-chíchúscratch one's head in hesitation 形容心情焦急、惶惑或犹豫 搔首弄姿 sāoshǒu-nòngzī(of a woman) stroke one's hair in coquetry;giggle and flirt 指故作姿态、卖弄风情。也说“搔头弄姿” 搔头 sāotóu
[1] scratch one's head∶挠头,心绪烦乱或有所思的动作
[2] hair clasp∶古代指簪子
例 玉搔头 搔头摸耳 sāotóu-mō'ěrscratch one's head and stroke one's ear 抓抓脑袋,摸摸耳朵。形容一时无法可想的焦急神态 搔头弄姿 sāotóu-nòngzī见“搔首弄姿” 搔痒 sāoyǎng
[1] titillate∶刺激使觉得痒
[2] scratch the pruritus;scratch where it itches∶用某种尖而粗糙的东西擦自己的身体以解除痒的感觉