另见liáng;liang常用词组量才录用 liàngcái-lùyòngemploy a person according to his abilities;give sb. employment suited to his abilities 按照才能大小分配合适的工作 例 亲的子孙,并量才录用,伤夷残废者,别赐救接。——《旧五代史》 量词 liàngcíclassifier; partitive; quantitafier; measure term; unit word 与代表可计数或可量度物体的名词连用或与数词连用的词或词素,常用来指示某一类别,为名词所指派的物体可按其形状或功用而被归入这一类别(如汉语“三本书”中的“本”) 量腹 liàngfùestimate the amount that one can eat at one meal 计算(人的)饭量 例 以二十余人而居屋十间,食田一顷,即量腹而食,度足而居,吾知其必不敷矣。——清·洪亮吉《治平篇》 量纲 liànggāngdimension 成为导出单位组成部分的基本单位或其乘幂之一 量力 liànglìestimate one's strength or ability (and act accordingly) 衡量本身的力量 例 度德量力 量力而行 liànglì’érxíngact according to one’s capability; do what one is capable to 按照自己能力大小去做事 例 朕当量力而行,然定可否。——唐·吴兢《开元升平源》 量入为出 liàngrù-wéichū
[1] base one's expenditure upon one's income;live within income; plan one's expenditure in the light of one's income∶支出在数量或程度上不超过收入
例 居家过日子要量入为出
[2] make ends meet; spend no more than one's income; stretch one's legs according to the coverlet∶根据收入情况确定支出限度
例 并用筹策,计较府库,量入为出。——《三国志·卫觊传》 量刑 liàngxíngdetermine what punishment to give 法院依照法律,根据罪犯的罪行性质、情节、对社会危害程度及认罪态度而裁定刑罚类型 量子 liàngzǐ